The Study of the Comparison on Plausible Reasoning of the Presentation of Textbooks 合情推理课程内容的教科书呈现的比较研究
Through specific courses author expound the combination of Plausible Reasoning and example. 通过具体课例,阐述合情推理课堂教学模式与实例如何有机结合。
At last, we consider: the key of plausible reasoning teaching is to change the way of classroom teaching and learning fitly; 文章的最后还对合情推理教学进行了如下一些思考:合情推理教学的关键是适当改变课堂教与学的方式;
A Plausible Reasoning Algorithm Based on the Theory of Evidence 一种基于证据推理的似然推理算法
The plausible reasoning ability of middle school student is slowly developed spontaneously. 中学生数学归纳推理能力的发展很缓慢,还只是一种自发的发展。
During the process of drawing implicatures, deductive reasoning is the basis; plausible reasoning is the order; 话语含意推导过程中,演绎推理是基础,合情推理是秩序,象似推理是反秩序。
Then we analyze plausible reasoning in mathematical curriculum standard and its teaching in each study stage and each teaching material. 接着,文章分析了数学课程标准中的合情推理及合情推理教学在各学习阶段和各教学内容中的体现。
This paper attempts to examine the inferential process of conversational implicature in the light of non-monotonic logic, study the issue of how non-monotonic logic can be employed to cancel the conversational implicature and make use of plausible reasoning and default reasoning to infer the conversational implicature. 本文试图从非单调逻辑的角度来探讨会话含义的推导过程,运用非单调逻辑来解释会话含义的可取消性特征,使用合情推理、缺省推理来推导会话含义。
In the theory, the rationality of single subject research is demonstrated by single coexistent analogy, plausible reasoning and falsification. 在理论层面,借用简单共存类比、合情推理与证伪法的思想论证了单一被试实验设计的合理性。
For making this text, many investigation and experiment regarding to the developing status of plausible reasoning ability of pupil in the eighth and ninth grade have been done. 本文对八、九年级学生数学合情推理能力发展的现状作了调查研究和实验研究。
Enhancing plausible reasoning teaching helps to develop the relevant ability. 加强合情推理的教学有助于发展合情推理能力。
Many plausible reasoning formalisms have been employed in a variety of expert systems at present. 目前已有计多似然推理体系被应用在各种专家系统中。
Learning geometry, a branch of mathematics, concerning the mathematical methods, contributes a lot to training the students 'comprehensive ability such as configuration, logic, analysis and plausible reasoning. 几何学作为数学的一个分支,本身具有丰富的内容和方法,渗透了许多现代数学的思想、方法,学习它有助于培养学生形象、逻辑、归纳、似真推理等多种思维能力。
Then to combine these two directions to form a knowledge foundation, so we can go on to compare CBR and Plausible Reasoning, and use CBR to analyze some obstacles that appear in the process of problem solving. 然后,结合这两个着眼点,对案例推理和合情推理进行比较,同时对运用案例推理进行的解题过程进行障碍分析。
A Study of Plausible Reasoning on Geometry 几何中的合情推理研究
Plausible Reasoning Can help people to discover the rules in things quite rapidly, Provides the clue and the method to the research. It's the main way to trains the create ability of the students. 合情推理能帮助人们比较迅速地发现事物的规律,提供研究的线索和方法,是培养学生创造能力的主要途径。
However, with the development of computer science, people have begun to attach more and more importance to approximate theory and plausible reasoning in mathematics, which has brought new tasks for mathematics teaching: cultivation and development of estimating ability. 但随着计算机科学的兴起,数学中的近似理论与合情推理越来越受到人们重视,从而给数学教育带来了新的课题:估计能力的培养和发展。
Dynamic research, through the interview way to conduct the research on of mathematics teacher in junior middle school, the students 'plausible reasoning ability level in junior middle school as well as the identity to plausible reasoning. 而动态研究主要通过访谈的方式,对初中数学教师、学生对合情推理的认同感以及初中生的合情推理能力水平进行研究。
This paper aims to research plausible reasoning theory and its practical application in investigation, in order to promote domestic relevant investigation reasoning theory research further forward, and to provide some beneficial investigation practice of contribution. 本文旨在通过对合情推理理论及其在侦查实践中运用的研究,以期推动国内有关侦查推理理论研究的进一步前行,并对侦查实践提供些许助益。
The teacher think that it is necessity to train the plausible reasoning ability of the student, but the value degree is to be insufficient, the correlation theories knowledge in the plausible reasoning is deficient, the raise way and the method are not explicit. 教师认为有必要培养学生的合情推理能力,但对其重视程度不够,缺乏合情推理的相关理论知识,对其培养途径和方法不明确。
This part mainly summarizes and details the process of reasoning in criminal investigation thinking from and through the standpoint of Plausible Reasoning. 主要通过从合情推理的理论出发来对侦查思维的推理过程的归纳和说明。
At the same time, the meaning of reasonable inference instruction, teaching the theory of reasonable inference and plausible reasoning based on the teaching model are discussed in detail. 同时,对合情推理教学的含义、合情推理教学的理论基础以及合情推理的教学模式进行了详细的论述。
In the new round of high school mathematics curriculum reform, the first time the mathematical plausible reasoning ability of students to high school mathematics curriculum into the training objectives in the past. 在新一轮的高中数学课程改革中,第一次将学生的数学合情推理能力纳入到高中数学课程培养目标中来。
The student studies mathematics not only need the deductive reasoning, but also need the plausible reasoning, they are the two wings of the mathematics thought, and the two connect closely, indispensable. 学生学习数学既需要演绎推理,也需要合情推理,它们是数学思维的两翼,二者紧密相连,缺一不可。
The teacher may develop the plausible reasoning ability of the student through these two kinds of reasoning ability development. 教师可通过这两种推理能力的培养来发展学生的合情推理能力。
The research of plausible reasoning theories into practice in investigation has very important theoretical and practical significance. 研究侦查实践中的合情推理理论,具有不容忽视的理论价值和实践价值。
Third, to perfect textbook compilation, make plausible reasoning thoughts seep to each content of textbook. 第三,进一步完善教科书的编写,使合情推理的培养真正落实在教科书的每个内容之中。
Only teacher giving plausible reasoning sufficient attention we can fundamentally solves the problem. 只有高素质的教师充分重视合情推理的培养,才能从根本上解决目前的问题。
Plausible reasoning is to explore the rule and discover truth effective means, it is a natural science field and rounded argument reasoning ( analysis inference) completely different a reasoning methods. 合情推理是探索规律和发现真理的有效手段,是自然科学领域中与严密的论证推理(分析推理)完全不同的一种推理方法。
Therefore, while raises the student deductive reasoning ability also to take seriously to develop the plausible reasoning ability. 所以,在培养学生演绎推理能力的同时也应重视合情推理能力的培养。